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Franchising Management
Franchising Management
  • BRIGHT & RIGHT® has the best legal professionals for franchising management in China. We have set up the website Franchise Attorneys since 2003, conducting the relevant legal education in franchise management. We have participated in the revision of the franchise legislation in China, namely, the revision of the legislation: Administrative Regulations on Business Franchise Operation. For this new legislation, we have compiled the only authoritative commentary works upon the concrete application of the said administrative regulation, where the application of the regulation, the way of registration and information disclosure are explained in details. The said book has been published by the Law Press in China. In the field of resolution of franchise disputes (arbitration and litigation), we have participated in 90% of all the disputes related to franchise management. Thus, regarding the prevention and resolution of franchise disputes, we possess rich experience.

  • BRIGHT & RIGHT® offers franchising services in two categories: the international franchise management service and the domestic franchise management service.

  • International Franchise Management Services include:
    creating and reviewing and amending franchise agreements;
    participating in contract negotiations;
    creating franchise business documents such as operation manuals and the like, which is to serve the purpose of localization of the international franchise project and for the implementation of the required standards.
  • The legal professionals of BRIGHT & RIGHT® in the field of franchise management, with our educational and working experiences in foreign countries as well as our deep understanding of the foreign cultures and the working principles concerned, help the international franchise project achieve the localization as soon as possible, help the local franchisee to understand, master the standards, manuals, specifications required in the relevant franchise system. Meanwhile we help the local franchisee in its sub-franchising activities, to create franchise contracts, business documents, instructions and so on.
  • The large international franchise projects that we have finished so far include: 7-Eleven, Familymart, Old England S.A, Stenders and so on from USA, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong etc. in the fields of food, catering, education, and other services.
  • We concentrate on the creation and maintenance of Chinese franchise systems for local enterprises. To be specific, we help domestic enterprise create franchise systems, provide franchise business counseling services thereupon, namely, comprehensive franchise services to the local companies.
  • The main services of ours include:
    creating feasibility study for the franchise project;
    designing of the legally required operation mode; and
    creating franchise documents and business documents for implementation of franchise systems.
  • So far, we, the legal professionals of BRIGHT & RIGHT®, have helped local enterprises establish more than fifty franchise systems, which are in the fields of laundry, restaurants, coffee, body building, education, clothing, beauty shops, parcels, auto decoration, grocery stores, jewelry and so forth.

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