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Anti-trust & Anti-unfair Competition
Anti-trust & Anti-unfair Competition


  • BRIGHT & RIGHT® has been offering legal services in the field of anti-trust and anti-unfair competition to transnational companies, large and medium local enterprises.  Our professionals have been actively involved in the legislation of Chinese anti-trust laws.  Our high qualifications, extensive experience and dedication enable us to offer our clients cutting-edge solutions to complicated problems related to anti-trust and anti-unfair competition.


  • Our services in the field of anti-trust include:
          representation of clients in respect of civil claims in anti-trust cases;
          representation of domestic and foreign clients in anti-trust review in the course of Mergers & Acquisitions;
          legal services to enterprises harmed due to the abuse of monopoly status;
          representation of clients in administrative proceedings of anti-trust investigation; and
          counseling on anti-trust.


  • Our services in the field of anti-unfair competition include:
          infringement of business confidences;
          commercial libel;
          commercial confusion & false labeling;
          price undercutting & exclusion of competitors;
          collusion in tender;
          commercial bribery;
          false advertisement;
          conditional transaction;
          illegal sale with prizes attached; and
          legal counseling on other related matters.

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